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Profile Doug TenNapelNnewts Book 3 The Battle for Amphibopolis by Doug TenNapel
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Nnewts Book 3 The Battle for Amphibopolis

By Doug TenNapel

Appropriate for all ages
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In the final, epic installment of the Nnewts trilogy, the fate of all Nnewts hangs in the balance! Herk, falling under the influence of Blakk Mudd, is slowly turning into a Lizzark and abandoning his Nnewt friends. Herk's siblings, Sissy and Zerk, have been corrupted by evil and the Lizzark army is still threatening Amphibopolis with total destruction. Now the Nnewts need a true hero to step up and save the day before it's too late! #adventure #fun #fantasy


Profile Doug TenNapel

Doug TenNapel

Doug TenNapel is the acclaimed author and illustrator of GHOSTOPOLIS, BAD ISLAND, CARDBOARD and TOMMYSAURUS REX, all published by Graphix. Among other honors, GHOSTOPOLIS was an ALA 2011 Top Ten Great Graphic Novel for Teens, a 2010 Kirkus Best Book of the Year, and a School Library Journal Top Ten Graphic Novel for 2011 and a 2012 ALA Great Graphic Novels for Teens selection. CARDBOARD was named to the list of School Library Journal Top Ten Graphic Novels of 2012.



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